This month my blog is a little different, as I wanted to share with you what I have been up to…and I’m celebrating!!! Because I have launched my brand new website. I am so so excited that I just had to share it with you guys here.

Although great when helping others with their brand choices, like many others in business, I’m an absolutely terrible decision maker when it comes to my own stuff – , I struggled with everything on this and felt like it was never going to get done. There was lots of heartache, difficult decisions last minute changes and I drove my ever patient, web designer a little crazy. But, we finally reached the end point and here she is – yes my website is of course a she – what else? and I have to be honest I am just a little proud. Please check her out for yourself and please I would love to hear your feedback.
But how about you? I know many of my clients book a Personal Branding Photographer like me when they are going through this exact same process; rebranding. making changes, relaunching, creating something new. So many people talk about new websites, but it’s not easy for many people especially as business owners, we are juggling and trying to keep so many other balls in the air. And finding space to decide on colours, fonts and of course photography, what to include and what to leave out, can keep us from moving forward. We need to be kind to ourselves and allow ourselves some time and space for the creative processes to work, and if you feel you aren’t creative enough to do this, it is essential you get help, invest in someone who can help you and there are some amazing brand designers around who can, please get in touch if you would like some recommendations.
We all at one time or another feel the time is right for change and I had come to the conclusion, that the branding I had created during lockdown, wasn’t actually right for me. Perhaps, the fact that I had created the website during lockdown was a factor and I knew for a while the colours didn’t reflect me and I wasn’t giving my potential clients enough of an idea who I was, so it had been on my mind for quite some time to create something quite different, and it wasn’t the only change I wanted to make.
I felt I wanted the relationships I had with my clients to be deeper, more of a collaboration. I wanted to help business owners see the potential visual marketing had within their business and to help them become more visible to their ideal audience. But more than that, I wanted those that I worked with, to become excited about their marketing again, for them to delve deeply into what they needed and how they wanted their audience to see them, I didn’t want to take images that weren’t really communicating properly but create beautiful imagery that really was part of my clients brand communicating their values and ideals to their ideal customers.
So I have spent the first three quarters of this year creating processes, which can help my clients become a bit clearer on what they are looking for within their branding photography. Making sure the client journey was not only more exciting and making them feel like they were in safe hands, but also a real opportunity to learn; examining their businesses forensically to work out what they wanted and needed. And so that they knew, how much I valued them and wanted to understand them better through the work we were doing together. I myself worked with an amazing photography Mentor, Gillian Devine
who helped me through this process and the culmination has been the launch of my website.
As a way of celebration, I have a little something for you too, a fabulous free guide giveaway
SIX WAYS TO BOOST YOUR VISIBILITY & GET MORE CLIENTS. Now if you are in this space I know you are interested in creating more visibility in your business and so this guide will be just perfect for you, because it gives you some amazing advice and help how to begin your visibility journey.
Now no… do not ask for a preview, you know what you need to do get yourself over to my website and grab that guide now… or at least immediately after you have finished reading this, or you can just click this link here.
....or if you want to chat through your options for professional photography for your business I’d love you to get in touch and maybe I can help.