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Boost Business Visibility with Powerful Branding Photography!

Writer's picture: Liz DevonshireLiz Devonshire

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Hello, business owners!

It’s a no brainer, if you are seeking to elevate your business and stand out from the competition - you need to make sure you become more visible, we need to see you!

Branding Photography

I know many of you would prefer to walk over hot coals rather than put yourself out there, especially when it means having photo’s of you for all and sundry to see… but the only way your ideal clients are going to find you, is if you put yourself right in front of them.

Think about the many businesses you admire and those that you are currently following. I bet part of the reason you are following them is that you felt a connection to the owner. That owner has ensured they are right there, front and centre of their businesses. They have cultivated their marketing around being visible and no doubt have some beautiful imagery of themselves and their business.

Branding Photography

The most successful business owners know that in order to reach their ideal audience they need to be visible. They need to share a little bit of themselves and their story. It’s the age-old tale, which I have mentioned again and again, because I really believe it to be true, is that people buy from people. People don’t necessarily want to be sold to, they want to begin a relationship with you, to get to know, like and trust you, before they buy from you, and the first step is to see you. - Think about how much better you get to know someone through their visuals and images of them rather than just copy… On your website, on your socials, everywhere you find your clients, you need to be present regularly and the type of images you put up is important, a selfie on a night out just won’t cut it. If you have a professional business you want everyone to know it’s a professional business, so make sure you have professional photographs both on and offline.

Making sure you are visible will really help you stand out from the competition, it is a crowded market place and we don’t want people to just scroll on by. Having amazing, on brand beautiful imagery means you will not only stand out, but you will be able to showcase your unique properties and personality. Having a treasure chest of images to pick from, that is tailored to your business – not just plucked from a stock library in a last-minute panic - will not only save you time, (which lets face it we are all short of) but also means you can project the image for your business that really communicates your values to your ideal client.

Branding Photography

Talking of values your visibility can be used in a way to communicate not only your values to your client but your brand story and mission, regularly posting, emailing, blogging and appearing in front of your audience gives you the opportunity to take control of your narrative. And being able to tell your story can be a compelling way to connect those desirable clients who will adore you all the more from knowing how you created your business.

Sometime its healthy to step outside our comfort zone, I know it has really helped me progress in my business. So having your photo on your website, posting regularly and consistently, going to networking events and all the marketing activities you must do to be visible, can have some truly brilliant results. For starters as you take those first steps by having some beautiful professional branding images taken, it can really enhance your confidence and in turn that of your clients when they look at how professional you look and how professional your business looks.

So, you won’t mind posting images of yourself quite so much, in fact you may even enjoy it. And when you are consistently posting on various socials and feeling empowered to visit more networking groups in response to those you are connecting with online – you will begin to see the opportunities that are beginning to open up from not only collaborators, investors and strategic alliances but brand new clients.

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....or if you want to chat through your options for professional photography for your business or how you might be able to use branding photos effectively in your business, I’d love you to get in touch.

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